Cloud Companion®

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Many infrastructure service providers focus on their technology, first. At Companion Data Services, we take a different approach — we start with your business needs.

Our Cloud Companion® solution fits your applications, integrates your systems and platforms and manages technology for you. Using secure private, public or hybrid clouds, our experts will help you gain the maximum benefit from your cloud technology.

CDS is known for exceeding top production service level agreements (SLAs) and delivering cloud transformations on budget and with minimal risk. Our Cloud Companion® solution further expands our offerings to commercial and federal customers with a flexible, cost-effective, cloud-based outcome that meets the most stringent security requirements.

CDS owns and operates multiple data center complexes across the United States. Our robust, scalable, cloud-based solutions manage infrastructure and integrate multi-platform systems with convenience, flexibility and the highest security and compliance standards.

Cloud Solutions That Solve Business Needs

Scalable Provisioning

  • Prompt service deployment
  • Load balancer
  • Storage
  • Multi-tiered networks
  • Firewalls
  • Private network connections

Convenient Access

  • Shared pool of configurable networks
  • Servers
  • Tiered and encrypted storage
  • Applications
  • Managed Services
  • Platforms including x86, AIX, z/OS, z/Linux, Solaris and more

End-to-End Monitoring

  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • 24/7/365 customer service
  • Custom dashboards

Security and Compliance

  • Advanced persistent threat protection
  • Data loss prevention
  • Security certifications including FISMA, HIPAA, DIARMF, HITECH and more

Our secure private, public or hybrid clouds will help you gain the maximum benefit from your cloud technology.

Cloud Managed Service Experience

  • Multiple physical and cloud data centers
  • Disaster Recovery as a Service
  • Mainframe as a Service
  • Data Center as a Service

Cloud Companion and IT

Reliable IT

Reliable IT
  • Plan-driven, approval-based
  • Enterprise suppliers, long-term deals
  • Time-tested, conventional processes and projects

Agile IT

Agile IT
  • Empirical, continuous, process-based
  • New and uncertain projects